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Map Area Of Tarare


Size 380,79 km²
Population 58.335
Evolution (5 years) +8 %
Number of municipalities 34
Number of households 23.191
Number of companies 974


Inter-municipal cooperation

  • 2 associations of municipalities;
  • project of a common business park;
  • same Chamber of commerce and industry.



  • Image: rural ; industrial crisis;
  • migration with Lyon's agglomeration;
  • topography: valley
  • lack of qualified workforce.


Main challenges

  • Develop an inter-municipal development strategy;
  • prepare for the construction of the new highway in 2012;
  • balance the development of business parks and the agricultural areas;
  • reconvert former industrial site;
  • commercialize the new business park without emptying the existing ones.


Objectives and expectations

  • Develop a common land management strategy and a marketing strategy for territories;
  • open up the territory;
  • enhance the inter-municipal cooperation on this topic;
  • access to best practice examples from other regions.
Document Actions
COMUNIS Final Publication
Final report on the COMUNIS Project   >>
COMUNIS Project Synthesis in French, German, Italian and Slovene!
Overview, guidelines and models for inter-municipal cooperation.   >>
Sixth COMUNIS Newsletter
The last COMUNIS newsletter edition covers the Final Conference o...   >>
COMUNIS Final Conference
Gewerbegebiete: Über die Gemeindegrenzen hinausdenken - Zone ind...   >>
COMUNIS Project Synthesis Booklet - now available!
Overview, guidelines and models for inter-municipal cooperation.   >>