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WP 5 leader: Bosch und Partner GmbH

The development of a concerted strategy for commercial location development (CLD) is one of the main objectives of the COMUNIS project. WP 5 will give essential inputs and basic structures for the discussion process on CLD within the project consortium and in the pilot regions.

The theoretical and technical background elaborated in WP 5 shall activate the debates in the test regions. Vice versa, the results of discussions in the test regions will feed bck into WP 5 and make the strategic/technical recommendations omore concrete and realistic.

Exptected Outputs:

  • The central output of WP 5 will be the guidelines on CLD, describing the single components of CLD, the options for actions subject to the conditions in the respective countries and regions and the methological steps for implementation.
  • Special focus will be put on the possible strategies to organize and manage inter-municipal or intra-territorial cooperation for CLD. Methods for cost-benefit analyses and environmental assessments will also form part of the guidelines.
  • The guidelines shall help other municipalities and regions for preparing, organizing, and structuring their process development on CLD. The draft of the guidelines will be inspired and finally adjusted by the concrete experiences of the pilot implementation (WPs 6 and 7).


Document Actions
COMUNIS Final Publication
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COMUNIS Project Synthesis in French, German, Italian and Slovene!
Overview, guidelines and models for inter-municipal cooperation.   >>
Sixth COMUNIS Newsletter
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COMUNIS Final Conference
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COMUNIS Project Synthesis Booklet - now available!
Overview, guidelines and models for inter-municipal cooperation.   >>