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Knowledge Management

Basic information on Knowledge Management used within the Comunis Project

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File Knowledge Sharing, Methods, Meetings and Tools
Knowledge Sharing: Methods, Meeting Places and Tools presents a selection of easy ways to help you have better access to the knowledge you need to do your work. We invite you to step outside your usual routine and engage in the cross-fertilization of ideas with your peers. The methods described here are simple to use and can easily be built into the way you work. Many of you may well work this way already without calling it ‘knowledge sharing’. These tried and true processes will help you in your search for fresh, creative solutions to the challenges you face every day.
File Comunis Knowledge Management System: Design, Coordination and Implementation (Version 3)
This file shows some basics of knowledge dissemination and its application to the Comunis Project
File Typology of Knowledge Management tools
Inventory and classification of existing (e.g. computer based) systems of Knowledge exchange in regional/commercial development
File Appraisal of the Information Exchange in the Pilot Regions
Document Actions
COMUNIS Final Publication
Final report on the COMUNIS Project   >>
COMUNIS Project Synthesis in French, German, Italian and Slovene!
Overview, guidelines and models for inter-municipal cooperation.   >>
Sixth COMUNIS Newsletter
The last COMUNIS newsletter edition covers the Final Conference o...   >>
COMUNIS Final Conference
Gewerbegebiete: Über die Gemeindegrenzen hinausdenken - Zone ind...   >>
COMUNIS Project Synthesis Booklet - now available!
Overview, guidelines and models for inter-municipal cooperation.   >>