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Links, from where you can download documents to the topic are listed in the folder "Bibliography"
Comunis main documents download
- Comunis main documents are also available on regiosuisse homepage as a way to disseminate them more broadly in the comunity of regional managers and increase the sustainability of the project's results.
Gestione strategica di insediamenti di PMI
- Una pagina iniziata da Comunis su Wikipedia.
Inter-municipal Land Use Planning
- A page started by Comunis on Wikipedia.
NeT-TOPIC New Tools and approaches for managing urban Transformation Processes in Intermediate Cities (URBACT Programme)
- NeT-TOPIC is addressed to medium sized (intermediate) cities located close to a major city within a metropolitan area. As a resut of their location, these cities face today some common challenges, such as territorial fragmentation or the need to adapt to the new demands for uses and activities in the process of post-industrialisation and of new tertiary activities.
CAPACities, Competitiveness Actions and Policies for Alpine Cities
- CAPACities project has been approved within the first call of the INTERREG IVB Alpine Space Programme, under Priority I - Competitiveness and Attractiveness. It aims at promoting the potential of little Alpine towns through an integrated and transnational approach by innovative urban policies and actions, and by creating alliances with the neighboring MEGAs and stronger territories. The expected result is a new approach to territorial governance capable to integrate different issues (multifunctional urban uses, environment and culture, tourism) in spatial development strategies. The project will create operative tools and specific gender policies (women, youth and aged people) to promote innovative urban activities, pursuing the Lisbon strategy applied at local territorial level. To make these tools operative and concrete, the project foresees their testing on pilot areas selected by partners and a final assessment and evaluation of results that will be reported and made available for policy makers and other stakeholders involved in the project.
- In the Alpine region, metropolisation has given birth to changes in the urban system and the urban-rural relationships. The dichotomy between small settlements and important metropolitan growth areas (e.g. Lyon, Milan, Munich, Vienna, Triest and other large towns) can be solved through a challenging role of high-potential small and medium-sized Alpine cities and the catching areas around them.
PROJECT: Orientamenti per una strategia di sviluppo economico della Provincia di Macerata
- Sistemi locali e intercomunalità
PROJECT: ECOSIND - Écosystème industriel (Fr, It)
- Cette nouvelle stratégie propose des outils pour dépasser les limites actuelles des petites et moyennes entreprises pour le développement efficace de leur gestion de l'environnement en profitant des synergies. Elle a aussi pour but de nous rapprocher au maximum du niveau zéro en matière de déchets industriels qui finissent dans les décharges, de diminuer la consommation d'énergie et les émissions de CO2 et de réduire l'utilisation des ressources naturelles (eau, sol, etc.).
PROJECT: Conception d'outils METHodologiques d'évaluation pour l'Ecologie industrielle
- COMETHE est un projet dont l’objectif était de concevoir des outils d’aide à la décision pour la mise en œuvre de l’écologie industrielle sur un parc d’activités ou un territoire. Ces travaux se sont appuyés sur 5 territoires pilotes en France.
Territorial Marketing Group (Linkedin)
Microrégion Haute-Sorne
- Example of an intermunicipal industry zone (CLD) in Canton Jura, Switzerland
Commercial location development - Wikipedia
- This page was created by the Comunis Project to capitalize and disseminate the developed knowledge
L’esperienza della perequazione territoriale nel PTCP di Bologna
- Territorial equalization in the Province of Bologna
Urban Planning Group (Linkedin)
- A discussion was launched on Best practices
Public Regional Management group (Linkedin)
- A discussion saw launched about CLD
Urban planning - Wikipedia
City marketing - Wikipedia
New Cornaredo district (NQC) in Lugano
- The agglomeration of Lugano is one of the most important urban and economic centres in Switzerland. The aim of the international competition was to find urban planning solutions over three municipalities, for the one million square metres of the NQC, which will prove attractive for both users and investors. The winning entry, which integrates the functional requirements of mobility with the formal aspects of qualitative urban development, resulted in a Masterplan NQC. The Masterplan includes zones for economic activities as well as for lodging.
Intermunicipal ITC TechnoArk in Sierre
- The TechnoArk site at Sierre has been established for over 20 years and is unique in Switzerland. It draws together around 50 start-up companies, SMEs and research organisations, whose 500 staff create the site’s special dynamic.
Marketing territoriale - Wikipedia