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Project partner meeting in snowy Vorarlberg

The project partners of COMUNIS met in Lochau near Bregenz in order to present the progress of the project in the pilot regions. Franz Rüf and Peter Steurer from Telesis – VLBG, the regional development agency of the Austrian region Voralberg, hosted the meeting at the Schloss Hofen in Lochau.

Project partner meeting in snowy Vorarlberg

COMUNIS in snowy St.Gerold

On monday, the first day, the partners presented the current state of implementation in their pilot areas, the challenges and opportunities, the goals of the region, the operational strategies to reach them and the implementation model on CLD in which the activities take place. This focused presentations strengthened the knowledge of the various regions in the project and served as a basis for the vivid discussions in the COMUNIS - World Café at the second day.

At the second day three topics (Forming of Tandems, Knowledge Management in the Project, Structure of Guidelines for CLD) were discussed in circling groups of people. In short time upcoming tasks where defined and clarified. An after lunch walk conducted by Mayor Helmut Blank of Sulzberg showed the building projects realized so far by the community Sulzberg by using the model of PSG. (PSG is the management structure for "commercial location development" in Vorarlberg)

Due to good winter tires also the excursion to the Great Walser Valley at the third day was no Problem. The group of COMUNIS visited the community center of St.Gerold guided by Mayor Bruno Summer. Mr. Summer stated that especially for small municipalities it is extremely important to work together in order to fulfill all the public services needed and required. For the Great Walser Valley, COMUNIS is an important project to create structures to assure attractive conditions for SMEs now and in the future. The examples of the Biosphere Park, the community center of Blons including the avalanche memorial site and the joint alpine dairy of Sonntag, showed that "working together" will lead to good practice results.

In the end the project meeting in Vorarlberg was full of fruitful discussions, exchanges, good practices and of course a lot of snow.

For additional pictures please visit the blog of Herve Fournier.

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