Project-meeting in Sonthofen, June 2010
The city of Sonthofen hosted the third meeting of the COMUNIS-project. Besides intensive project work the project team was able to get insights into the specific situation of the COMUNIS pilot region Alpsee-Grünten.
From the 7th - 9th June 2010, the German project partners City of Sonthofen and Bosch & Partner GmbH welcomed the COMUNIS project partners in the upper Allgäu. Also the German Alpine Space Contact Point, Florian Ballnus, as well as Claus Hensold of the Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU) as observer of the project took part in the meeting. The three days of the meeting were filled with discussions and an intensive exchange of information on the current tasks among all project partners.
The major focus of the meeting was the debate about the different models of Commercial Location Development (CLD). On the basis of theoretical models and current best practice examples, options for implementing inter-municipal CLD were discussed with view to the situation and development objectives in the pilot regions of the project partners. For Alpsee-Grünten, a short field trip showed the strengths and weaknesses of the pilot region. This analysis of the business location highlighted the major importance of an inter-municipal strategy on CLD for the Alpsee-Grünten region.
Furthermore, work package (WP) 6 of the COMUNIS project was officially launched during the workshop in Sonthofen. WP 6 bases on the results of the BSC (Balance Score Card) and the general strategy development of the previous WPs 4 and 5. It aims at the implementation of suitable CLD joint actions and their testing in the project pilot regions.