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Alpine Space Programme ; Midterm conference

Registration are now open and programme available on : Provide input to the ongoing debate on the future Cohesion Policy and discuss the perspectives for the Alpine Space Programme.

When Jun 16, 2011 09:00 AM to Jun 17, 2011 06:30 PM
Where Grenoble / France
Contact Name
Contact Phone 00 33 4 72 40 82 37
Invitation , illustration

Ten years into its existence, the EU transnational cooperation programme for the Alps is investing

€ 130 million in impact-oriented projects in its current  period 2007–2013 to allow key actors to develop shared solutions on specific Alpine issues.

Partners from the seven cooperating countries will come together to take stock of where the Programme stands today on its course for sustainable regional development:







Joint Technical Secretariat

Alpine Space Programme

Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt

Lazarettstr. 67

80636 München


Tel. +49 89 9214 1800

Fax +49 89 9214 1820

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