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JTS Communication Training

  • Seminar
When Oct 19, 2009 12:00 PM to Oct 20, 2009 04:30 PM
Where Munich, Germany (Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt)

Project outcomes can only become viable if projects are successful at promoting these outcomes to the relevant target audiences and end users.

In order to support their project partners in their communication tasks, the Alpine Space Programme is organising a training aiming to help projects formulate and implement a successful communication strategy and to provide useful tips in media relations.

The Communication Training will be facilitiated by the internationale PR Company Pinnacle, valuable experience in professional media and communication trainings.

The training is scheduled for the October 19-20, 2009 and will take place in the JTS premises in Munich, Germany.


Joint Technical Secretariat

Alpine Space Programme - European Territorial Cooperation
Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
Lazarettstr. 67
80636 München - Germany
Phone: + 49 89 9214 1812
Fax:     + 49 89 9214 1820


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