BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20170330T104041Z CREATED:20100907T101743Z UID:ATEvent-a2b056300bf7384e048cdd3a87a22027 LAST-MODIFIED:20100907T143526Z SUMMARY:Seminar INTERREG \: experience’s feedbacks about the cooperation project 2007-2013 DTSTART:20100916T070000Z DTEND:20100916T160000Z DESCRIPTION:The 16th of September\, the CCIL will participate at a rou nd-table seminar organized by the “région Rhône-Alpes” \: Semina r INTERREG \, experience’s feedbacks about the cooperation project 2 007-2013.\n4 round-tables are to be presented\:\n1. Land management (d evelopment) and attractiveness territories\n2. Environment\, water and risk prevention/management\n3. Economy and Innovation\n4. Transport and accessibility LOCATION:Lyon (France) CATEGORIES:Seminar CONTACT:GONCET Florine\, 00 33 4 72 40 82 37\, CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR